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The Riddick Universe

Take a walk through the names and faces that made up the world of Pitch Black and, eventually, the Chronicles of Riddick (and beyond). This page is full of spoilers so take note.

An as-yet unknown character from the ESCAPE FROM BUTCHER BAY game.

Abu 'Imam' al-Walid
Paper age: 47. Actual age after cryo-deduction: 45. One of the survivors of PITCH BLACK who reappears in RIDDICK to try enlisting Riddick to help save Helion from the Necromongers.

A member of the elder race of Elementals. Aereon is an Air Elemental who has taken an interest in Riddick's involvement with the Necromongers, for as-yet unknown reasons.

Ali (Pilgrim #3)
Youngest of the three. Killed in Pitch Black by hatchlings in coring room during second trip to settlement. The nephew of a powerful Saudi Arabian water-desalinization baron. Son of Shiek Abdullah. Was on a pilgrimage to New Mecca. Thought to be from Tangiers-3, a predominantly Muslim world. Brother of Hasan and Suleiman.

Alliance Shipping
Chartered the Hunter-Gratzner. Responsible for sending the crash investigators to planet two of the M-344/G system to research the ship's crash.

Carolyn Frye
Pilot Second Class (Docking Pilot) aboard the Hunter-Gratzner. Last person to be killed in Pitch Black by predators prior to the remaining survivors escaping in the skiff. Paper age: 40. Actual age after cryo-deduction: 25. Had accrued enough hours to qualify for Pilot first class, but failed to take the exam. Was considering quitting her job prior to the crash due to a dislike for deep space and cryo-sleep.

A religious sect that unifies Christianity and Islam. Utilizes the iconography of Christianity and the physical look of Muslims. Primary language is Arabic in nature. Perform a pilgrimage (called a 'hajj') once in their lifetime to New Mecca. Chrislams do not drink alcohol.

Inmate surgeon who did the shine job on Riddick's eyes. Was a bovine (cow) veterinarian prior to being incarcerated in Slam City. Renamed Pope Joe in the BUTCHER BAY game and relocated to Butcher Bay.

One of the Mercs in Toombs' second crew that gets killed on the freight sled by RIDDICK during the descent into the slam on Crematoria.

Douglass D. Owens
Navigator on the Hunter-Gratzner. Paper age: 50. Actual age after cryo-deduction: 33. Killed in Pitch Black during crash. Referred to as 'Greg' Owens in the SciFi.com Pitch Black website.

The Guv
The "leader" of inmate society in the Crematoria slam who participates in Riddick's escape and dies in the battle on the surface with Vaako's troops.

Hasan (Pilgrim #2)
Killed in Pitch Black by a predator in cargo containers right after eclipse. The nephew of a powerful Saudi Arabian water-desalinization baron. Son of Shiek Abdullah. Was on a pilgrimage to New Mecca. Thought to be from Tangiers-3, a predominantly Muslim world. Brother of Suleiman and Ali.

The sly, greedy warden of the Butcher Bay Correctional Facility who appears in the ESCAPE FROM BUTCHER BAY game.

Jack B. Badd / Audrey
Used the alias Jack in the movie. The PITCH BLACK script refers to this character as Audrey. Estimated to be 13 years old. Female. One of the survivors of PITCH BLACK who appears 5 years later renamed to Kyra in RIDDICK.

Jagger Valance
An as-yet unknown character from the ESCAPE FROM BUTCHER BAY game.

John 'Zeke' Ezekiel
Passenger on the Hunter-Gratzner. Paper Age: 45. Actual age after cryo-deduction: 39. First one to be killed in Pitch Black by predators. Born in the Australian outback on earth. No formal education. Grew up mining opals in Coober Pedy, Australia, Earth. Moved on to take his 'dream time' among the stars, working as a prospector who searched out under-populated worlds with free land and available mineral rights. Said to have exceptional survivalist skills.

An as-yet unknown foe of Riddick's from DARK FURY.

A young woman that Riddick encounters in the prisons of Crematoria and recognizes as the girl Jackie he saved in PITCH BLACK. Kyra joined the Mercs to try to find Riddick after he left her with the Imam in New Mecca. She was sold out to slavers, and is now a killer.

A female Merc working for Toombs that helps capture Riddick and bring him to the Crematoria slam.

Lord Marshal
The title of the ruler of the Necromongers, it is the task of the Lord Marshal to wage a crusade against humanity and bring all converts to the Underverse. Zhylaw is the lord marshal in RIDDICK.

New Oslo Shipping Corp
Corporation that owned and operated the Hunter-Gratzner.

Paris P. Ogilvie
Paper age: 72. Actual age after cryo-deduction: 47. Killed in Pitch Black during trek to bring final four power cells to the skiff. Antiques dealer bringing cargo from earth to Tangier. br>
Pope Joe
Inmate surgeon in Butcher Bay who did the shine job on Riddick's eyes. Pope Joe appears in the BUTCHER BAY game. Was named Cutter and was located in Slam City in pre-PITCH BLACK extended universe stuff.

Richard B. Riddick
Riddick was discovered as an infant in a liquor-store trash bin with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck.

Once grown he became a Company ranger assigned as a sweeper in his rookie days to the Sigma Galaxy. Sweepers drew out the local wildlife, spitfires (huge, slimy, lizard-like creatures with motion sensors for eyes). Then he was promoted to the Strikeforce Academy on Sigma 3's moon for training to act as security on Sigma 3. It was on Sigma 3 that he blew the whistle on the company, who branded him a criminal and had him sent to his first slam. Before his third year was up he overpowered a guard, took his uniform and got away. He shot 2 guards and a pilot escaping. The Company put a million-credit contract on his head and he became a wanted man pursued by every bounty hunter, bushwhacker and Merc in the space lanes. Everytime he killed one of them, their deaths were added to his list of serial killings. Finally Johns came along and blasted two kids to get to him, and captured him the first time.

Riddick has served time in Hubble Bay Penal Facility, Ribald S Correctional Institute, Tangiers Penal Colony, the Ursa Luna max-sec prison (a.k.a. "Slam City"), and Butcher Bay Correctional Facility. He is a violent sociopath and murderer, according to one prison psychological evaluation.

He is also one of the survivors of PITCH BLACK who coincidently figures big in THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK.

Sharon 'Shazza' Montgomery
Paper age: 37. Actual age after cryo-deduction: 28. Killed in Pitch Black by hatchling swarm immediately after eclipse.

A female Furyan who contacts Riddick in his dreams.

Suleiman (Pilgrim #1)
Killed in Pitch Black by predators in final flight through canyon to skiff. The nephew of a powerful Saudi Arabian water-desalinization baron. Son of Shiek Abdullah. Was on a pilgrimage to New Mecca. Thought to be from Tangiers-3, a predominantly Muslim world. Brother of Hasan and Ali.

Tom Mitchell
Captain of the Hunter-Gratzner, killed at the beginning of Pitch Black by debris from the tail of a rogue comet.

Tony Nesteravich
An unknown character that will appear in RIDDICK.

The Merc thorn in Riddick's side in RIDDICK, Toombs just keeps coming back for more. Good at his job and good at running his mouth.

Serves as one of Lord Marshal's military commanders.

Dame Vaako
Vaako's mistress, a cunning manipulator who thinks it's Vaako's time to be Lord Marshal.

William J. Johns
Paper age: 37. Actual age after cryo-deduction: 29. Killed in Pitch Black by predators after fight with Riddick during trek to bring final four power cells to skiff. Nicknamed 'William The Conqueror'. During the Wailing Wars, Johns was in the Marine Military Police and tracked down AWOL soldiers. Clean discharge.

Marine psych evaluation shows obsessive-compulsive personality with addictive tendencies, which probably has something to do with his morphine addiction. Some sources also point to his dependence on morphine being because of a chunk of knife that Riddick left embedded close to Johns' spine.

Johns worked as a 'marshall' tracking down high-risk convicts that have escaped from prison. His track record was 17 out of 17 convicts caught and returned.

The Imam's daughter.